End of Lease Pest Control

Most investment properties currently require the inhabitant while clearing to complete a finish of pest control administration, In many cases, this would have been finished by the past occupant before you moved in. This is for the most part necessary now assuming you have had bothers.

A finish of end of lease pest control might require a splash to annihilate or forestall bugs and ticks or a nuisance control to the entire house for most normal bugs like cockroaches and bugs.

➜ Stage 1) Call Detecta-Pest to orchestrate an appropriate time for your irritation control to be completed. This should be 3 days preceding floor coverings being cleaned or after rugs.

➜ Stage 2) Ensure access can be given. You can organize to forget about a key or be nearby to give us access, we will guarantee to secure the property.

➜Stage 3) Payment can be made with money, card or EFT. Whenever installment is gotten you will get an endorsement of treatment to be given to your Property Manager. Our medicines accompany a full guarantee.

Useful Tips!

  • Getting ready to leave your rented property?
  • PEST CONTROL is the last thing you’ll need.
  • We can arrive at your place as early as 7am, or you can leave a key out.
  • Or, you can ask us to pick the key up from the real estate agent for an additional cost.
  • A receipt will be issued to you on-the-spot so you can get our bond back right away


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